Illuminating the way forward

Source Code 7: Leadership as an Act of Service

consciousness gene keys human design source codes
Human Design Gate 7 Gene Key 7 I Ching Hexagram 7 The Army

Written by Futurist, Executive Coach, Consultant, & Speaker, Ashley Mosaic, who is a 1/4 Generator with Cross of Maya 4 and conscious sun in Source Code 61.

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Official Name in Human Design: The Army and Role of Self in Interaction 

Purpose: Providing the energy to inspire transformation by guiding others to access their inner strength and power.

Human Design definition: The point of convergence. By design, the need for leadership to guide and order society. Established proven patterns lead us into the future.

In action: Inspiring others while staying true to the highest vision for the collective.

Body graph location: G Center, connecting to the Throat via Gate 31

Grounding energy: Fellowship, 13

Tropical astrology sign: Leo

Gene Keys: Division -> Guidance -> Virtue

I Ching: Army (Shih

Dates of solar transit (can vary by 1 to 2 days): August 5 - August 10

The 7th Gate, Key, and Hexagram embodies the evolution of leadership and the importance of serving a purpose greater than oneself. This journey underscores the necessity of overcoming division through the exercise of wise guidance and the embodiment of virtue.


Defined in Chart: Individuals with Gate 7 defined have a natural inclination towards leadership roles. They possess the ability to see the bigger picture and to guide others towards a common goal. It's crucial for them to act with integrity, ensuring their guidance serves the collective well-being.

Sun Transit: When the sun transits through Gate 7, it emphasizes the theme of leadership and its role in society. This period invites reflection on how we can lead by example, using our influence to foster unity and support the collective's needs.

The high-frequency expression is inspiring transformation in others while staying true to the highest vision for the collective, and offering empowering wisdom and guidance that helps individuals access their inner strength. This energy exemplifies "leading from behind." 

The low-frequency expression is forceful leadership, being on a power trip, and manipulating others into rallying for your personal benefit rather than the collective good.

My personal experience:

I do not have this activation in my energetics, however I have my moon in 13, which is opposite this energy / 13 is the grounding energy for 7. Similar to my write up for 33, where I mentioned that my moon, 13, shares a channel with 33, an energy that inspires reflection typically through the receiving of stories, and even secrets, of others... except my relationship with 7 (as the grounding energy for my moon in 13) is what anchors me into compassionate leadership, which is not egoic, but rather rooted in compassion, empathy, and self-responsibility. And also, in order for me to come to my own conclusions and beliefs, I often must pull away from the group as I absorb a lot of energy.


Human Design Gate 7: The Army and Role of Self in Interaction



Quarter of Duality, the Realm of Jupiter
Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Bonding
Mystical Theme: Measure for Measure
Gate 33 < Gate 7 > Gate 4


This Gate is part of the Channel of The Alpha, For 'Good' or 'Bad' the Design of Leadership, linking the G Center (Gate 7) to the Throat Center (Gate 31). Gate 7 is part of the Collective Understanding (Logic) Circuit with the keynote of sharing.


The 7th gate is oriented toward the future, with an ability to see when society's present direction needs correcting to get there. This is logic's gate of direction, part of the Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx. The substance of its contribution to the Collective is expressed through designated leadership roles, which are the: Authoritarian, Democrat, Anarchist, Abdicator, General, and Administrator. These roles are genetic and mechanical, and have tremendous conditioning power within the Collective. Through our role, and with our understanding of humanity's future direction, we persuade others to follow our leadership, thereby influencing people in positions of influence themselves, especially those with Gate 31.


Those who carry this gate may evaluate or modify the existing pattern or questionable direction, or be the catalyst for creating a new direction. This position of influence is described as the power behind the throne. In other words, without Gate 31 we can be a public leader but not necessarily the public figurehead who directly influences the Collective.


Gene Key 7: Virtue is its Own Reward

Navigating Towards Enlightened Leadership


“The 7th Gene Key definitely has potent leadership potential, but they’re not always leaders per se. They’re people with influence. In any group, the 7th Gene Key carries this power that when it speaks, others will listen.”                – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Key 7, titled "Virtue is its Own Reward," offers a transformative path from the Shadow of Division, where separation and discord reign, through the Gift of Guidance, a beacon of wisdom and unity, leading to the Siddhi of Virtue, the embodiment of leadership characterized by selfless integrity and a profound commitment to the collective good.

Shadow - Division:

  • The Shadow of Division manifests when leadership and power are exercised without consideration for the collective harmony, leading to conflict, fragmentation, and a lack of cohesion. This shadow emerges from ego-driven motives, where the pursuit of personal gain overshadows the well-being of the whole.
  • Personal Application: Reflect on areas within your own life or in broader society where division is evident. Consider how personal ambitions have sometimes overshadowed collective needs. Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards fostering a more inclusive and unifying approach to leadership and interaction.

Gift - Guidance:

  • The Gift of Guidance illuminates the path to effective leadership through the service of others. It is the ability to direct and influence not by asserting dominance but by serving as a guiding light, steering collective efforts towards a shared vision. Leadership with guidance is marked by wisdom, empathy, and the capacity to unite diverse groups towards common goals.
  • Personal Application: Embrace the gift of guidance by cultivating listening skills, empathy, and a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of those you lead. Seek to inspire and empower, recognizing that true leadership is about facilitating the growth and success of others as much as, if not more than, your own.

Siddhi - Virtue:

  • The Siddhi of Virtue represents the highest expression of leadership within Gene Key 7. It transcends conventional notions of power and control, embodying instead a leadership style that is inherently rewarding because it is rooted in the principles of integrity, selflessness, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of all beings. Virtue in leadership is its own reward, offering a profound sense of fulfillment that comes from serving the highest good.
  • Personal Application: Cultivate virtue in your actions and decisions by aligning them with universal principles of truth, compassion, and integrity. Let your leadership be a reflection of your highest self, guided by a desire to contribute positively to the world. Leadership becomes an act of love, an expression of the deep interconnection between all life, and a testament to the power of serving a purpose greater than oneself.


Gene Key 7, "Virtue is its Own Reward," charts the course from the divisiveness of ego-driven leadership to the unifying force of guidance and the sublime expression of virtue. It calls us to transcend personal ambitions in favor of a leadership model that prioritizes the well-being and unity of the collective. By embodying the gift of guidance and aspiring to the siddhi of virtue, leaders can transform their influence into a catalyst for positive change, unity, and the flourishing of all.




I Ching Hexagram 7: The Art of Collective Leadership ~ The Army


To know fulfillment,
nourish what is for the belly and not the eye.

If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything. –Chinese Proverb


In the I Ching, Hexagram 7, "Shih" or "The Army," emphasizes the importance of unity, order, and disciplined leadership in the pursuit of common goals. This hexagram teaches the principles of effective collective action, where leadership is exercised not as a demonstration of power but as a means of serving the greater good.

1. Unity and Order:

  • Hexagram 7 underscores the significance of unity and order within a group or society. Just as an army requires discipline and cohesion to achieve its objectives, any collective endeavor benefits from clear structure and unified purpose. This unity is fostered by leadership that prioritizes the welfare of the whole above individual ambitions.
  • Personal Application: Reflect on your role within your communities or groups. Consider how you can contribute to harmony and order, whether by offering clear guidance, supporting others’ roles, or aligning your actions with shared goals. Leadership, in this context, is an act of service aimed at uplifting the collective.

2. The Responsibility of Leadership:

  • This hexagram also speaks to the responsibility that comes with leadership. Effective leaders understand that their role is to guide and protect those they lead, making decisions that reflect the best interests of the group rather than personal gain. Such leadership is marked by wisdom, compassion, and a commitment to justice.
  • Personal Application: If you find yourself in a leadership position, consider the impact of your decisions on the group as a whole. Strive to lead with integrity, fairness, and a genuine concern for the welfare of all members. Your leadership can be a powerful force for unity and progress.

3. The Strength of Collective Will:

  • Hexagram 7 highlights the strength that arises from collective will and effort. When individuals come together under effective leadership, their combined strength can achieve remarkable feats. This collective power is maximized when guided by principles of mutual respect, shared purpose, and dedication to the common good.
  • Personal Application: Look for ways to strengthen the collective will within your groups or communities. Encourage participation, respect diverse viewpoints, and work towards building consensus. Remember, the greatest achievements often come from the concerted effort of many, guided by leadership that inspires and unites.


Hexagram 7 from the I Ching, "The Army," offers timeless wisdom on the art of collective leadership. It reminds us that true leadership serves the welfare of the group, fostering unity, order, and a shared commitment to common goals. By embodying these principles, leaders can inspire effective collective action, leading to achievements far greater than the sum of individual efforts.  

Tips for Integrating and Utilizing this Energy

  • Reflecting on Your Leadership Role: Consider how you can apply the principles of guidance and virtue in your leadership roles, whether in your family, workplace, or community. How can you contribute to a culture of unity and collective well-being?
  • Living by Example: Recognize that leadership is not just about directing others but also about setting an example through your actions and decisions. Strive to live in a way that reflects the values you wish to see in the world.


Gate 7, Key 7, and Hexagram 7 collectively illuminate the path towards enlightened leadership, where the exercise of power is transformed into an act of service. By navigating from division to guidance and ultimately to virtue, individuals are called to lead with integrity, compassion, and a deep commitment to the collective good, embodying the true essence of leadership as a service to humanity.

To further explore what this energy signifies for you, book a session or inquire on my Executive Coaching HERE.

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