Illuminating the way forward

Source Code 31: Embodying Influential Leadership

consciousness gene keys human design source codes
Human Design Gate 31 Gene Key 31 I Ching Hexagram 31 Influence

Written by Futurist, Executive Coach, Consultant, & Speaker, Ashley Mosaic, who is a 1/4 Generator with Cross of Maya 4 and conscious sun in Source Code 61.

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Official Name in Human Design: Influence

Purpose: Providing the energy to attract and lead people towards a fair and just vision.

Human Design definition: The law of friction, whether active or passive, that engenders transference and thus influence. The natural expression of leadership.

In action: Using the gift of influence to lead people towards a bright vision.

Body graph location: Throat, connecting to the G Center via Gate 7

Grounding energy: Decrease, 41

Tropical astrology sign: Leo

Gene Keys: Arrogance -> Leadership -> Humility

I Ching: Influence (Hsien

Dates of solar transit (can vary by 1 to 2 days): July 19 - July 24

The 31st Gate, Key, and Hexagram embodies the evolution from self-centered leadership to one that is grounded in humility and genuine service, while underscoring the importance of authentic expression and the impact of true leadership.


Defined in Chart: Individuals with Gate 31 defined possess a natural inclination towards leadership. Their challenge lies in cultivating this leadership from a place of authenticity and humility, ensuring their influence serves the greater good rather than personal gain.

Sun Transit: When the sun transits through Gate 31, it illuminates the collective focus on leadership and the power of words and ideas to guide and influence. It's a time to reflect on the nature of leadership and how one can lead from a place of truth and service.

The high-frequency expression is using the gift of influential leadership to guide individuals towards a bright vision and equitable future.

The low-frequency expression is using influential leadership to manipulate others for personal gain, or trying to force a vision onto others.

My personal experience:

I do not have this activation in my energetics,


Human Design Gate 31: Influence 


Quarter of Civilization, the Realm of Dubhe
Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form
Mystical Theme: Womb to Room
Gate 56 < Gate 31 > Gate 33


This Gate is part of the Channel of The Alpha, For 'Good' or 'Bad' a Design of Leadership, linking the Throat Center (Gate 31) to the G Center (Gate 7). Gate 31 is part of the Collective Understanding (Logic) Circuit with the keynote of sharing.


Gate 31 is designed to be influential. Collective leadership is collegial, not hierarchical. It provides the vision for a new direction and shows others how to achieve it, rather than doing it for them. The 31st gate manifests its potential for verbal influence through election. When money is the energy used to move a person into a position of power, instead of the cooperative will of the people, the Collective's overall ability to ensure humanity's future is easily perverted. Our voice through the 31st gate, "I lead," is not heard until backed by the energy of the majority. The people are the ones who must act on what our voice says.


The influence of our vision for society will not be transferred or felt without the Collective's energy moving it into the public realm. Our leadership must take into account the desires of our followers, and address the good of the whole. 'I lead' means influencing others, for good or for ill, by effectively transferring our vision for a new and test-worthy pattern to them to carry out. Without the presence of Gate 7, we may seem like just an empty voice.


Gene Key 31: Sounding Your Truth

From Arrogance to Humility: The Path of Authentic Influence


“The true leaders, at least the New leaders, are forged by life. This isn’t something we decide. It’s something that’s thrust upon us. It’s something that our dharma decides long before we become an adult.”                                     – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Key 31, termed "Sounding Your Truth," encapsulates the transformative process of evolving from the Shadow of Arrogance, where leadership is ego-driven and self-serving, to the Siddhi of Humility, where true leadership is realized as an act of selfless service. Central to this journey is the Gift of Leadership, which emerges when one aligns with authentic self-expression and the collective good.

Shadow - Arrogance:

  • The Shadow of Arrogance manifests when leadership is colored by ego, pride, and the desire for control or recognition. This shadow distorts true leadership, making it a tool for personal gain rather than a means to empower and uplift others. Arrogance alienates, creates barriers, and often leads to resistance rather than inspiration.
  • Personal Application: Reflect on your motivations for seeking leadership roles and the ways you interact with others. Consider whether your actions are influenced by a desire for acknowledgment or control. Acknowledging the presence of arrogance is the first step towards transforming it. Practice listening more than speaking, and value the contributions of others as equally important to your own.

Gift - Leadership:

  • The Gift of Leadership is characterized by the ability to inspire, guide, and unite others towards a common vision. It arises from a place of authenticity, where the leader's voice resonates with truth and integrity. This form of leadership is inclusive, empowering others to find their own voice and strength. It's not about leading from the front but rather walking alongside, facilitating growth and mutual success.
  • Personal Application: Embrace leadership by focusing on service rather than status. Cultivate an environment of trust and mutual respect, where every team member feels valued and inspired to contribute. Leadership is about weaving together the diverse strengths and voices of a group to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

Siddhi - Humility:

  • The Siddhi of Humility represents the highest expression of leadership within Gene Key 31. In this state, leadership becomes an act of selfless service. The leader, grounded in humility, recognizes that true influence comes from a place of surrender to the collective wisdom and the greater good. Humility in leadership is not about diminishing one's power but about understanding the responsibility that comes with it and using it to serve and elevate others.
  • Personal Application: Cultivate humility by continually reflecting on your role as a facilitator of collective achievement rather than the sole author of success. Recognize the interconnectedness of all contributions and honor the divine spark within every individual. Leading with humility involves a deep respect for life and a commitment to acting in alignment with the highest good for all.


Gene Key 31, "Sounding Your Truth," offers a roadmap for transforming leadership from a self-centric endeavor to a noble vocation marked by authenticity, inclusivity, and humility. By transcending the limitations of arrogance and embracing the true essence of leadership, individuals can effect meaningful change and inspire others to realize their potential, creating a legacy of positive impact and collective empowerment.  




I Ching Hexagram 31: Influence and the Power of Attraction


Wooing is how you attract
those things that you desire.

Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces
that incessantly draw great events. – Emerson


In the I Ching, Hexagram 31, known as "Xian" or "Influence," symbolizes the subtle power of attraction and the importance of sincerity in forming connections. Represented by the image of a lake over a mountain, it teaches the principle of natural, effortless influence that arises from genuine emotions and intentions, much like the gravitational pull of the earth that requires no effort.

1. Cultivating Genuine Influence:

  • Hexagram 31 emphasizes the need for authenticity in interactions and relationships. Influence here is not about manipulation or coercion but about the natural pull that comes from being sincere, honest, and true to oneself. This form of influence fosters mutual respect and understanding, creating lasting and meaningful connections.
  • Personal Application: Reflect on how you interact with others and the intentions behind your actions. Strive to engage with people genuinely, respecting their autonomy while sharing your perspective. When your influence is rooted in sincerity, your relationships will be more harmonious and fulfilling.

2. The Power of Emotional Resonance:

  • This hexagram also highlights the importance of emotional resonance in exerting influence. Just as the mountain's presence influences the lake above it, your inner emotional state can significantly impact those around you. Positive, sincere emotions can inspire and attract, while insincerity can repel.
  • Personal Application: Be mindful of your emotional state and its impact on others. Cultivate positive emotions like empathy, kindness, and understanding. Your genuine care and concern for others' well-being can become your most powerful tool for positive influence.

3. Achieving Harmony through Adaptation:

  • Hexagram 31 teaches that true influence requires adaptability and responsiveness to the needs and feelings of others. Influence is mutual; it involves listening, understanding, and adapting to create a harmonious exchange that benefits all parties involved.
  • Personal Application: Practice active listening and empathy in your interactions. Show a genuine interest in others' thoughts and feelings, and be willing to adapt your approach based on mutual understanding and respect. This will enhance your ability to connect deeply and influence positively.


Hexagram 31 from the I Ching, "Influence," offers profound insights into the art of affecting others positively through the power of genuine emotions and sincerity. By embodying authenticity and fostering emotional resonance, individuals can exert a natural, effortless influence that promotes mutual respect, understanding, and harmony in relationships.  

Tips for Integrating and Utilizing this Energy

  • Cultivating Heart-Centered Influence: Seek to influence through empathy, understanding, and genuine care for others. Let your actions and words be guided by the intention to create positive impact and harmony.
  • Building Mutual Respect: Influence with integrity involves building relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. Communicate openly, listen actively, and value the contributions of others, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and respected.


Gate 31, Key 31, and Hexagram 31 collectively inspire a transformation in how we perceive and enact leadership. By moving from arrogance to humility, embracing the power of authentic expression, and leading with the heart, individuals can wield their influence in a way that truly benefits and uplifts others. This approach to leadership not only fosters genuine respect and loyalty but also cultivates a legacy of positive impact and meaningful change.

To further explore what this energy signifies for you, book a session or inquire on my Executive Coaching HERE.

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