Illuminating the way forward

Source Code 27: Fostering Care and Altruism in the World

consciousness gene keys human design source codes
human design gate 27 gene key 27 i ching hexagram 27 nourishment and caring

Written by Futurist, Executive Coach, Consultant, & Speaker, Ashley Mosaic, who is a 1/4 Generator with Cross of Maya 4 and conscious sun in Source Code 61.

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Official Name in Human Design: Nourishment and the Gate of Caring

Purpose: Providing the energy to care for others through the overflow and abundance of caring for oneself.

Human Design definition: The enhancement of the quality and the substance through caring. The compassion and the energy to care for the weak.

In action: Nurturing and caring for others.

Body graph location: Sacral, connecting to the Spleen via Gate 50

Grounding energy: Game Player, Gate 28

Tropical astrology sign: Taurus

Gene Keys: Selfishness -> Altruism -> Selflessness

I Ching: Nourishing Vision (Yi)

Dates of solar transit (can vary by 1 to 2 days): April 21 - April 27

The 27th Gate, Key, and Hexagram embody the energy of caring for and nurturing others, reflecting the instinctual drive to ensure the well-being of those we love.


Defined in Chart: Individuals with Gate 27 defined in their charts often exhibit a natural inclination towards caring and nurturing others. They may feel a strong sense of responsibility to provide support and nourishment, whether emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

Sun Transit: When the sun transits through Gate 27, it brings a collective focus on themes of care, support, and how we nourish one another. It's a period to reflect on our roles in the lives of those around us and how we contribute to the well-being of our communities.

The high-frequency expression is balancing self-care and caring for others through taking radical responsibility for one's needs, beliefs, feelings, values, and actions to maintain healthy relationships. When care for self and others is balanced, those with this encoding has immense energy and capacity to care for others.

The low-frequency expression is incorrectly taking responsibility for other people's needs through either self-sacrifice or showing lack of regard for the needs of others.

My personal experience:

I have my conscious north node in this energy as a hanging gate, meaning it does not connect to gate 50. For me, this has shown up as a path of sensitivity and a deep calling to be of service, challenged by weak boundaries and fears of taking on responsibility for others. Additionally, my father has his sun in the sixth line of this source code. I have been deeply impact and conditioned via childhood challenges and my relationship with my father. Learning these systems and that his sun is in gate 27 has brought immense clarity and healing. I now understand the deep sensitivity of my father. I wish he could have been raised through the loving wisdom and guidance of his chart. 

Human Design Gate 27: Nourishment and the Gate of Caring


Quarter of Initiation, the Realm of Alcyone
Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Mind
Mystical Theme: The Witness Returns
Gate 3 < Gate 27 > Gate 24


This Gate is part of the Channel of Preservation, A Design of Custodianship, linking the Sacral Center (Gate 27) to the Splenic Center (Gate 50). Gate 27 is part of the Tribal (Defense) Circuit with the keynote of support.

The energy of the 27th gate is focused on maintaining and enhancing the quality of life through the power to care for the weak, the sick and the young. There is tremendous potential for altruism present in this gate, which we see exemplified in the life of Mother Teresa. The role of the 27th gate is to nourish and nurture through the power of compassion and care. The polarity is that we must also be nourished and nurtured ourselves. We must care for ourselves first in order to have the energy and resources to care for others, and then let our Authority guide us to where and when we commit our energy. Nourishment or nurturing given without awareness is a waste of precious resources.

Each line of this gate represents a way to connect to and care for the Tribe according to different levels of need. Without Gate 50, we may lack the instinct and values to set healthy boundaries around our natural impulse to care for others, and easily end up sacrificing ourselves or our own well-being.


Gene Key 27: Food of the Gods


“The 27th Gift has many insights for us. It is a profound and magical Gene Key. The most important Gift it brings is this unselfish attitude that comes from knowing the connectedness of all life. If we have the 27th Gene Key, or feel mysteriously drawn to it, then we’re fortunate. We’re a carer, a planetary healer.”

– Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Key 27, entitled "Food of the Gods," explores the evolutionary journey from the Shadow of Selfishness to the Siddhi of Selflessness, with the Gift of Altruism acting as the pivotal mediator. This key delves into the essence of nurturing and the profound impact of shifting from personal gain to the welfare of all beings.

Shadow - Selfishness:

  • The Shadow of Selfishness in Gene Key 27 manifests as a focus on one's own needs and desires at the expense of others. It's rooted in fear and scarcity, leading to behaviors that hoard resources and affection, thereby stifling the flow of universal abundance and care.
  • Personal Application: Reflect on areas where selfish tendencies may emerge, recognizing them as opportunities for growth. By understanding the fear underlying selfishness, you can begin to open your heart and actions towards a more inclusive and compassionate approach to life.

Gift - Altruism:

  • The Gift of Altruism represents the transformation of selfishness into a genuine desire to serve and nurture others. Altruism emerges from the recognition of our interconnectedness and the joy that comes from contributing to the happiness and well-being of others. It's a shift towards seeing nourishment — whether physical, emotional, or spiritual — as an act of love and service.
  • Personal Application: Actively seek ways to express altruism in your daily life. This could be as simple as offering a kind word, volunteering your time, or sharing resources with those in need. Let your actions be guided by the intention to uplift and support, fostering a sense of community and shared well-being.

Siddhi - Selflessness:

  • The Siddhi of Selflessness is the ultimate expression of Gene Key 27, where the distinction between self and other dissolves in the realization of universal oneness. In this state, acts of nourishment and care are understood as sacred, and one's life becomes a testament to the principle of unconditional love and universal compassion.
  • Personal Application: Cultivate a meditative practice that focuses on dissolving the ego and opening to the experience of oneness with all life. As selflessness deepens, you'll find that your actions naturally align with the highest good, serving as a channel for divine love and care to flow through you to the world.


Gene Key 27 invites us on a profound journey from the isolation of selfishness to the expansiveness of selflessness. By embracing altruism, we learn to see nourishment in all its forms as a sacred act — one that not only feeds the body but also the soul. In doing so, we participate in the divine flow of care that sustains the universe, embodying the true "Food of the Gods."



I Ching Hexagram 27: Nurturing the Self and Others with Integrity


"Ignorance is the night of the mind,
but a night without moon and star."

Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of the heart, and that depends upon how much one has polished it. Whoever has polished it more, sees more – more unseen forms become manifest. – Rumi


In the I Ching, Hexagram 27, often translated as "Nourishment," underscores the importance of sustaining oneself and others not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually. It emphasizes the quality of what feeds us, from the food we eat to the thoughts we entertain and the moral values we uphold.

1. Mindful Nourishment:

  • This hexagram advises mindfulness in all forms of nourishment, highlighting that what we consume, in every sense, shapes our well-being and our capacity to care for others. It suggests that integrity in nourishment leads to a healthy, balanced life.
  • Personal Application: Reflect on the quality of your physical, mental, and spiritual diet. Strive for nourishment that enriches and supports your highest good, and be equally mindful of the sustenance you provide to others, ensuring it promotes their well-being and growth.

2. Ethical Foundations of Care:

  • Hexagram 27 also speaks to the ethical dimensions of care and nourishment, pointing out that true caring for others is rooted in the quality of our own character and the virtues we embody. It stresses the significance of moral integrity as the foundation for effectively supporting and nurturing those around us.
  • Personal Application: Cultivate virtues such as kindness, honesty, and generosity, recognizing them as the foundation of all acts of nourishment and care. Your ethical stance not only feeds your soul but also serves as a beacon for others, guiding and nurturing them on their path.

3. The Cycle of Giving and Receiving:

  • The hexagram illuminates the cyclical nature of nourishment, where giving and receiving are interconnected. It reminds us that in nourishing others, we are also nourished, creating a virtuous cycle that benefits the whole community.
  • Personal Application: Engage in the cycle of giving and receiving with an open heart, aware that in doing so, you contribute to a larger ecosystem of care. Seek balance in this cycle, recognizing that both giving and receiving are necessary for the health and well-being of all involved.


Hexagram 27 from the I Ching teaches the art of conscientious nourishment, emphasizing the importance of what we consume and what we share with others. It calls us to mindful action, rooted in ethical integrity, fostering a community where care and support flow freely and nourish the collective spirit.



Tips for Integrating and Utilizing this Energy

  • Cultivating a Caring Community: Use the energy of Gate 27 to foster a community that values care, support, and the sharing of resources. Encourage an environment where altruism and selflessness are celebrated and practiced.
  • Personal Growth through Service: Recognize that in serving and caring for others, we also grow and evolve. The act of giving nourishment becomes a path to our own spiritual development and a deeper understanding of life's interconnectedness.


Gate 27, Key 27, and Hexagram 27 collectively teach us about the power of nurturing and caring for others as a foundational aspect of human society. By embracing these principles, we can transform selfish tendencies into actions that support collective well-being, leading to a more altruistic and caring world.

To further explore what this energy signifies for you, book a session or inquire on my Executive Coaching HERE.

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