Illuminating the way forward

Gate/Key/Hexagram 14: Power Skills and Possession in Great Measure

consciousness gene keys human design source codes
human design gate 14 gene key 14

Written by Futurist, Executive Coach, Consultant, & Speaker, Ashley Mosaic, who is a 1/4 Generator with Cross of Maya 4 and conscious sun in Source Code 61.

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Official Name in Human Design: Possession in Great Measure or Gate of Power Skills

Purpose: Generate resources to empower direction in life.

Human Design definition: The accumulation & retention of power through skilled interaction, coupling grace with control. Fertile power of the Sacral at its most exalted.

In action: Creating prosperity through following one's dreams and direction

Body graph location: Sacral, connecting to G Center via Gate 2

Grounding energy: Contribution, Gate 8

Tropical astrology sign: Scorpio

Gene Keys: Compromise -> Competence -> Bounteousness

I Ching: Great Possessing (Ta Yu)

Dates of solar transit (can vary by 1 to 2 days): November 16 -November 21

The 14th Gate, Key, and Hexagram contains the accumulation & retention of power through skilled interaction, coupling grace with control, to empower direction for the individual and humanity through the distribution of available resources.

Defined in Chart: Individuals with Gate 14 defined in their charts possess a natural talent for resource management and skill utilization. They are often seen as capable of generating wealth and success through their innate abilities. Those with this defined are likely to realize their work is a large part of their life, and the only way to be satisfied is to do work that you think is great; work that you believe in and love doing.

Sun Transit: When the sun transits through Gate 14, it brings a collective focus on resourcefulness and skill development. This period is an excellent time for everyone to assess and cultivate their skills for better resource management.

The high-frequency expression is the energy for prosperity, dreams, and inspiration, while revealing a path for creating wealth through following one's dreams and purpose.

The low-frequency expression is the energy for misalignment due to getting stuck in the fear that you won’t be able to make your dreams come true. This can create a life where you feel stuck doing things you hate for the sake of making money.

My personal experience:

I have my design Saturn in gate 14.3, signifying my journey involves lessons pertaining to prosperity via following my passions. In the 3rd line, I am designed to be of great service to others - through this path, I will prosper.

Human Design Gate 14: Harnessing Inner Resources for Prosperity and Abundance

From the Realms of Compromise to the Heights of Bounteousness


Quarter of Mutation, the Realm of Sirius

Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Transformation

Mystical Theme: Accepting Death

Gate 43 < Gate 14 > Gate 34


This Gate is part of the Channel of The Beat, The Design of Being the Keeper of Keys, linking the Sacral Center (Gate 14) to the G Center (Gate 2). Gate 14 is part of the Individual (Knowing) Circuit with the keynote of empowerment.

Gate 14 empowers direction for the individual and humanity through the distribution of available resources. The Gate of Power Skills makes sure that mutation is supported and shows us how to invest our resources in order to expand our horizons. The Sacral Center, when defined, has the energy to sustain long hours of creative work, and the 14th gate is fertile power at its most exalted. This is the gas pedal that controls when and how the resources are released. When we are aligned with our design, and doing the work we love to do, we will generate wealth and power. These resources are not directly for our own use, however, but ours to manage in order to empower others, to support individual creativity, charitable activities, or leaders with a vision for humanity's future. But throwing our money at anything and everyone is a poor investment. To protect our valuable life force energy from misuse or abuse by others, and to remain properly aligned in order to bring out the right mutative direction, we need to follow our Authority. When properly directed by Gate 2, our resources can become a significant catalyst for empowering change in the world.

Gene Key 14: Embodying Abundance Through Skillful Means

Cultivating True Prosperity from Within


“To live a life of genius, we have to start believing in ourselves again. We have to get in touch with our hearts and our dreams. We may also feel we’re trapped, if we’ve been living a very compromised life. But we’re never trapped.”

– Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Key 14, named Radiating Prosperity, charts a transformative journey from the Shadow of Compromise to the Siddhi of Bounteousness, with the pivotal intermediary being the Gift of Competence. This pathway underscores the power of personal abilities and skills in transcending limitations and manifesting true abundance.

Shadow - Compromise:

  • The Shadow of Compromise in Gene Key 14 reflects situations where one's potential is not fully realized due to settling for less or conforming to external expectations. This shadow can manifest as a reluctance to step into one's power or a tendency to undervalue one's abilities, leading to unfulfilled potential and a lack of true fulfillment.
  • Personal Application: Recognize areas in your life where you might be compromising your true potential. Reflect on how these compromises impact your sense of empowerment and fulfillment. Strive to identify and overcome limiting beliefs or societal pressures that prevent you from fully embracing your capabilities and worth.

Gift - Competence:

  • The Gift of Competence involves recognizing, developing, and effectively utilizing one's skills and abilities. It’s about mastering one's talents and applying them skillfully in various life situations. Competence here means not just proficiency in tasks but also the wisdom to apply one's abilities in ways that lead to growth, success, and contribution to others.
  • Personal Application: Cultivate competence by honing your skills and talents. Embrace lifelong learning and self-improvement. Apply your abilities with confidence and discernment, understanding that true competence includes the wisdom to know when and how to act for the greatest benefit.

Siddhi - Bounteousness:

  • The Siddhi of Bounteousness represents a transcendent state of abundant flow and generosity. It signifies a condition where one radiates prosperity, not just in material terms but as a state of being. Bounteousness here is an effortless expression of abundance that naturally flows from a deep understanding of one's intrinsic value and the interconnectedness of all life.
  • Personal Application: Aspire to embody the siddhi of bounteousness, where your presence and actions naturally radiate abundance. Embrace a mindset of generosity, understanding that true prosperity is found in giving and sharing freely, rooted in a deep sense of connection to the abundance of life.


Gene Key 14 invites us on a transformative journey from the limitations of compromise, through the empowering embrace of competence, to the exalted state of bounteousness. This path teaches us that true prosperity is not merely about acquiring wealth but about realizing and utilizing our inner talents and abilities to their fullest potential, leading to a life of abundant generosity and fulfillment.


I Ching Hexagram 14: Embracing Abundance and Responsibility

Ta Yu (Possession in Great Measure)

In the I Ching, Hexagram 14, often translated as "Great Possession," symbolizes abundance, prosperity, and the responsibility that comes with great wealth or resources.

1. The Essence of Abundance:

  • This hexagram is a positive sign, indicating a time of great potential and prosperity. It suggests the presence or arrival of substantial resources, be they material, intellectual, or spiritual.
  • Personal Application: Recognize and appreciate the abundance in your life. Use this time to build and strengthen your position, whether it’s in your career, personal growth, or relationships.

2. Responsibility and Ethics:

  • With great possession comes the duty to manage it wisely and ethically. Hexagram 14 teaches the importance of using wealth and resources for good, ensuring that they benefit not just oneself but also others.
  • Personal Application: Be mindful of how you use your resources. Aim to utilize them in ways that are not only beneficial for you but also supportive and nurturing for those in your community and environment.

3. Generosity and Sharing:

  • This hexagram also emphasizes the value of generosity. True abundance is realized fully when it is shared and used to uplift others.
  • Personal Application: Embrace a spirit of generosity. Consider how you can use your resources, knowledge, or skills to contribute positively to the lives of others.

Integrating and Utilizing this Energy:

  • Leveraging Personal Skills: Recognize and harness your skills for personal growth and success. Understand your strengths and how they can be applied to achieve your goals and contribute to others.
  • Fostering Abundance and Generosity: Cultivate a mindset of abundance. Share your skills and resources generously, understanding that prosperity grows when it is shared and used to uplift others.
  • Achieving Empowerment through Competence: Focus on building and demonstrating competence in your endeavors. Recognize that true empowerment comes from a deep understanding and effective application of your abilities.


Gate 14, Key 14, and Hexagram 14 collectively teach us about the power of leveraging our inner resources, the journey from compromise to competence, and the realization of bounteousness through wise resource management and generosity. By understanding and applying these principles, we can navigate life with a sense of empowerment, skillfully manage our resources, and contribute to a prosperous and generous world.

To further explore what this energy signifies for you, book a session or inquire on my Quantum Coaching HERE.

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