Illuminating the way forward

3 Common Astrology Misconceptions and why Astrology Needs Skepticism and Critical Thinking

astrology quantum
astrology and critical thinking

“Knowledge is having the right answers.

 Intelligence is asking the right questions.

 Wisdom is knowing when to ask the right questions.”

ā€• Richard P. Feynman


Skepticism and curiosity are essential for critical thinking. With critical thinking and asking of questions being hallmarks of intelligence. I truly believe questions are more important than answers...


But then again, fueled by "why...?" personally, I ask a lot of questions. With my sun in Gate 61.1, I am literally designed to.


So naturally I attract, connect, vibe, and work with people who also ask a lot of questions.


And with my Incarnation Cross in Human Design being Maya 4, I carry the energy to bring the unknown into knowing. Including new and undiscovered knowledge, new perspectives, etc.


HOWEVER... part of my role and storyline is to share my inner knowing, and as a result cause the world to reevaluate their position and to accommodate new ideas.


Cool story. But this means I am designed to not only question... but to be questioned.


Considering how badly I have always wanted to be understood... it makes sense that this is part of my story, path for growth, and purpose.


The path to our purpose is lined with our gifts... and pain.


Before understanding this, I felt trapped in the dark night of the soul -> hero's journey pipeline.


Continuously cycling through awakenings, then rejections, numbing and people pleasing, to depression. Rediscovering myself only to lose myself again...



I often felt hurt and misunderstood.


Until I finally realized, DUH! When you're here to bring unknown info to the world in order to help people accommodate new ideas, skepticism is part of it.


And I realized astrology is data. And data needs to be tested, experimented with, measured, etc. in order to be skillfully applied.


It's designed to provoke questions that inspire ideas and accelerate growth.


I used to kinda take it personally, now I get it and truly appreciate it.


And like, obviously, why wouldn't I... ? I'm skeptical, too. So now, rather than aiming to be understood... I simply aim to understand. 


Common Astrology Misconceptions

and how I 'solve' for them ~ Watch as a TikTok


1. Astrology is too vague & generalizations can be applied to anyone

I hear ya. This is why I also utilize human design and gene keys. In addition to things like hypnosis. I merge the systems to increase self-awareness, and gain clarity about the who, what, why, when, and the way.


2. Being limited by our charts & these systems

These systems should be used to expand awareness, never limit or restrict, through rooting you into your innate strengths and special skills. Again, once you have an understanding of who you are, you have a better understanding of how to best go after what you want. It's never about good or bad, it's simply about how to best utilize your energy and resources. Also, within every struggle or challenge, is a gift.


3. Hindsight is 20/20... 'Monday morning quarterback...'

I continue forecasting and predicting, while reminding that astrology is simply data. And the purpose of data is to apply for purposes of growth, preparation, alignment, These systems should be used to expand awareness, never limit or restrict, through rooting you into your innate strengths and special skills. Again, once you have an understanding of who you are, you have a better understanding of how to best go after what you want. It's never about good or bad, it's simply about how to best utilize your energy and resources. Also, within every struggle or challenge, is a gift.


To further explore your energy, book a session or inquire on my Quantum Coaching HERE.

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